Saturday, February 28, 2015

The High Fat Diet - 7 Days In

I apologise that this may have gone up slighter later than usual but I was waiting for my latest weigh in to see what my current body fat percentage is looking like now I've hit the half way mark!

First things first though, I promised to give you my thoughts and an idea about the sorts of things I've been eating. At the time of starting this post (i.e. the next couple of paragraphs) I was still undergoing the 4 day pre-tox stage. It's designed to get your body used to the diet and will help your body to realise that sugar and carbohydrates won't be hitting it any time soon and therefore, it needs to burn fat in order to get energy.

These few days started well, on the Saturday after a full day on the plan I felt OK having scoffed Greek yoghurt and berries for breakfast, chicken for lunch and a rather frittata for dinner.  I did feel a little bit peckish as I was heading towards bedtime but I suspected this was my body trying to trick me into munching on some sugars. The start of Sunday I was feeling a little weak but this is something I expected as my body hadn't quite realised it needed to burn fat instead of sugar for energy.

By Monday, I had full on 'carb flu,' my joints were feeling achy, my mind felt foggy and by home time, all I wanted to do was sleep. Whilst I managed the 12 minute work out routine, it was a struggle but I pushed it as hard as I could. Again, I didn't feel hungry but the temptation was definitely there to pick and to nibble, especially knowing that all it would take was some white rice and I'd be feeling right as rain. Tuesday marked the final day of the pre-tox and I woke up to a very achy lower body but I managed a good nights sleep and hoped that my body would finally make the switch to burning fat instead of seeking out sugar and carbohydrates.

I used the 4 day pre-tox stage to familiarise myself with the at home work out plan and found it was tougher than expected. I certainly felt the burn, that's for sure.

What kept me going during the early days was seeing my tummy looking better already, knowing that I was eating more than enough in terms of calories (around 2000 a day) and that my body would get the hint eventually.

Wednesday marked the first day on the full plan and the end of the pre-tox so naturally I climbed on the scales and was delighted to see I'd dropped down to 26.4% body fat and lost 4lbs in the process.

I was hoping things would get easier from here on in and thought I'd share some photos showing the sorts of things I've been eating.
This might not look pretty, but it was pretty scrummy and believe it or not, this is breakfast. It's cream cheese, walnuts and chorizo. Other breakfasts have featured heavily in cream cheese, eggs and avocado, all of which are very creamy and incredibly satisfying!
Lunches have included dishes such as the above which is spinach, feta, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and mint. Other dishes have included salad with mackerel, mozzarella with home made pesto and tuna with avocado.
Dinner meals are when I get most of my protein, as you can see above, for dinner last night I was able to munch on spicy chicken wings with celery and a guacamole style dip made with, you guessed it, cream cheese!

So, now you've seen what I've been eating, as a half way update I can confirm I've now lost 6lbs and this morning I was 26.3% body fat. Whilst it's not a massive difference body fat wise since Wednesday, I'm not 100% positive that my scales will be totally accurate on this front.

Anywho, 6lbs in 7 days and 1.9% body fat down is serious progress. I can't wait to see the results when I finish the plan next Friday.

Please stay tuned to see my final results next week.


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